TOEIC 予想問題
Dear Roger,
I am really sorry for all I ---(1)--- yesterday. You know what I am and how easily I get angry but I had no intention to hurt you. It was just a coincidence that I have reacted adversely.
For instance I was not aware that it was your silly bantering and rather I took it more seriously and behaved ---(2)---. I am embarrassed of myself thinking of the scene where I reacted so badly.
I value your friendship and you have been my best friend since my childhood days. I understand that you have every reason to be angry with me, but I am hopeful that you will forgive and forget the fight. Keeping in mind our old friendship, I am sure that you will forget the fight as you are not kiddish like me. ---(3)--- my apology because our friendship is much more precious compared to these small fights. I am expecting a friendly reply from you soon.
Your friend,
Ronnie Edkins
---( 1 )--- => 1-4
---( 2 )--- => 5-8
---( 3 )--- => 9-12
I am really sorry for all I ---(1)--- yesterday. You know what I am and how easily I get angry but I had no intention to hurt you. It was just a coincidence that I have reacted adversely.
For instance I was not aware that it was your silly bantering and rather I took it more seriously and behaved ---(2)---. I am embarrassed of myself thinking of the scene where I reacted so badly.
I value your friendship and you have been my best friend since my childhood days. I understand that you have every reason to be angry with me, but I am hopeful that you will forgive and forget the fight. Keeping in mind our old friendship, I am sure that you will forget the fight as you are not kiddish like me. ---(3)--- my apology because our friendship is much more precious compared to these small fights. I am expecting a friendly reply from you soon.
Your friend,
Ronnie Edkins
---( 1 )--- => 1-4
---( 2 )--- => 5-8
---( 3 )--- => 9-12
履歴を残すには、 「新しく出題する(ここをクリック)」 をご利用ください。
TOEIC試験 Part6 問54 (訂正依頼・報告はこちら)
Dear Roger,
I am really sorry for all I ---(1)--- yesterday. You know what I am and how easily I get angry but I had no intention to hurt you. It was just a coincidence that I have reacted adversely.
For instance I was not aware that it was your silly bantering and rather I took it more seriously and behaved ---(2)---. I am embarrassed of myself thinking of the scene where I reacted so badly.
I value your friendship and you have been my best friend since my childhood days. I understand that you have every reason to be angry with me, but I am hopeful that you will forgive and forget the fight. Keeping in mind our old friendship, I am sure that you will forget the fight as you are not kiddish like me. ---(3)--- my apology because our friendship is much more precious compared to these small fights. I am expecting a friendly reply from you soon.
Your friend,
Ronnie Edkins
---( 1 )--- => 1-4
---( 2 )--- => 5-8
---( 3 )--- => 9-12
I am really sorry for all I ---(1)--- yesterday. You know what I am and how easily I get angry but I had no intention to hurt you. It was just a coincidence that I have reacted adversely.
For instance I was not aware that it was your silly bantering and rather I took it more seriously and behaved ---(2)---. I am embarrassed of myself thinking of the scene where I reacted so badly.
I value your friendship and you have been my best friend since my childhood days. I understand that you have every reason to be angry with me, but I am hopeful that you will forgive and forget the fight. Keeping in mind our old friendship, I am sure that you will forget the fight as you are not kiddish like me. ---(3)--- my apology because our friendship is much more precious compared to these small fights. I am expecting a friendly reply from you soon.
Your friend,
Ronnie Edkins
---( 1 )--- => 1-4
---( 2 )--- => 5-8
---( 3 )--- => 9-12
- did
- do
- will do
- had done
- unreasonably
- unreasonable
- unreason
- unreasoned
- Against
- Account
- Accept
- Adjust
この過去問の解説 (3件)
I am really sorry for all I ---(1)--- yesterday.で「昨日私がした事に対して大変申し訳なく思っております。」と文を完成させる必要があるので、過去形のdidが正解になります。着目する点はyesterday「昨日」ですね。
---(3)--- my apology because our friendship is much more precious compared to these small fights.は「私達の友情は小さな喧嘩に比べるととても大切ですから私の謝罪を〇〇して下さい。」という文です。Accept「受け取る・受諾する・応じる」が正解となります。9番のAgainstは「~に反対して・不賛成で」、10番のAccountは「説明する・占める」、12番のAdjustは「順応する・調整する」という意味です。
Ronnie Edkins さんが,子供時代からの親友である Roger さんに
Roger さんのたわいのない冗談(silly bantering)を
① I am really sorry for all I ---( 1 )--- yesterday.
少なくとも 現在形(原形)の do(2.)と 未来形の will do(3.)は
除外されます。残った 過去形 did(1.)と
過去完了形 had done(4.)のうち,過去完了は
過去形が適切と考えます。正解は【1】番 です。
all (that) S + V は「SがVすること全て」。
関係代名詞の目的格 that が省略されています。
② … and rather I took it more seriously and behave---( 2 )---.
動詞 behave は他動詞としては
再帰代名詞(myself,yourself など)を目的語にとり,
しかし,選択肢の中に再帰代名詞はないので,ここでの behave は
自動詞であると判断します。自動詞の behave は
badly(ひどく)や beautifully(美しく)などの
与えられた選択肢はいずれも形容詞 unreasonable の関連語であり,
5. unreasonably [副]「無分別に」
6. unreasonable [形]「無分別な」
7. unreason [名]「狂気」「道理に反すること・思慮がないこと」
8. unreasoned 動詞 unreason の過去・過去分詞形
で,副詞は unreasonably 以外にありません。
【5】番 が正解です。
なお,behave unreasonably は前のパラグラフ(段落)の
reacted adversely(敵対的に振る舞いました)の言い換えで,
reacted so badly(非常にまずく反応してしまいました)と
③ ---( 3 )--- my apology because our friendship is much more precious compared to these small fights.
空欄 ---( 3 )--- と my apology(私の謝罪)で
because 節に対する主節を形成していることから,
あ)前置詞である Against(~に反対して,~に逆らって;9.)を
の2点が分かります。Against 以外の選択肢はいずれも動詞ですが,
という意味の文になります。【11】番 が正解です。
Apology accepted.(許すわ。)です。
自動詞としては account for ~ の形で
動詞 Adjust(12.)は「~に合わせる」「順応する」という意味です。
・I had no intention to hurt you
have no intention to do で「~するつもりはない」です。
hurt you は「あなたを傷つける」。精神的に傷つける場合と
・coincidence 「偶然の一致」
・for instance 「例えば」(for example)
・be aware that ~ 「~であることに気づいている」
・I am embarrassed of myself thinking of the scene where I reacted so badly.
be embarrassed of〔at〕oneself で「自分のことが恥ずかしい」。
thinking of … 以下は分詞構文であり,
when I think of … と書き換えることが出来ます。
・keep ~ in mind,keep in mind ~,keep in mind that ~
~ の部分が長いほど,特に that 節である場合は
in mind のあとに来ることを覚えておきましょう。
・as you are not kiddish like me
as は ‘理由’ の接続詞(「~ので」)。
kiddish は悪い意味の「子供っぽい」。childish とも言います。
一方,良い意味の「子供らしい」は childlike。
問題の文章は、「私が昨日したすべてのことに対して大変申し訳なく思っております。」となり、過去形が入ることがわかります。消去法によりdidかhad doneかになりますが、完了形は過去のある時点を特定できません。
よって、yesterday と同時に使える過去形のdidが正解になります。
副詞は -lyのかたちをとることが多いこともヒントになります。
直後にmy apologyとあるため、「私の謝罪を受け入れてください」となり、acceptが正解です。
Part6 問題一覧